有没有人觉得每次输入密技要打那么多的字挺麻烦的,有没有人觉得这些密技挺难记的,现在告诉你一个简便方法。首先打开我的电脑,在。。\EA Games\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Config\下面找globalStartup.cheat这个文件。然后用记事本打开这个文件。如下:
# Sims2 global startup cheat file - this file is run on startup of the game application. It's meant to reflect "production defaults".
# Do not modify this file locally -- instead create UserData/userStartup.cheat and modify that.
# alias real command brief help full help
# ------------- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- --------------------------------
alias exit hide "Hide the cheat console window" "Hide the cheat console window"
alias x expand "*Expand the cheat console window" "Hide the cheat console window"
alias h help "*Show the cheat help" "Show the cheat help"
alias ? help "*Show the cheat help" "Show the cheat help"
alias m "moveObjects on" "Enables the ability to move normally unmovable objects" ""
alias m- "moveObjects off" "Disables the ability to move normally unmovable objects" ""
alias s "boolProp snapObjectsToGrid false" "Lets you move objects off the grid" ""
alias s- "boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true" "Makes objects snap to the grid" ""
alias f "boolprop constrainFloorElevation false" "Enables the ability to change terrain even when there is a building on it" ""
alias f- "boolprop constrainFloorElevation true" "Disables the ability to change terrain even when there is a building on it" ""
alias t "boolprop testingCheatsEnabled true" "Enables a lot of hidden features that can be accessed by holding shift when clicking on objects" ""
alias t- "boolprop testingCheatsEnabled false" "Disables a lot of hidden features that can be accessed by holding shift when clicking on objects" ""
alias party "intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 50" "Allows you to throw big parties when activated on the neighbourhood screen" ""
密技 对应密技
m Moveobjects on
s boolProp snapObjectsToGrid false
f boolprop constrainFloorElevation false
t boolprop testingCheatsEnabled true
party intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 50